Post by bbushmaster on Mar 20, 2011 8:57:26 GMT -5
I have the clone recipe from byo 150 clones but it says collect 13 gals and boil atleast 5 hours to 5 gals that can't be rite so does anybody have a sami all grain recipe
Post by njschmidt on Mar 20, 2011 11:11:41 GMT -5
I would believe it, based on some of the OG's I've seen for samichlaus. I read on HBT that somebody estimated an OG of 1128!
Post by njschmidt on Mar 20, 2011 11:16:32 GMT -5
Post by njschmidt on Mar 20, 2011 19:10:44 GMT -5
Note that in that recipe I linked, the OG is listed as 1203 ... Holy Samichlaus Batman! Please post any progress, as I'm very interested in how this runs out .
Post by bbushmaster on Mar 21, 2011 9:51:21 GMT -5
Well that recipe is about the same as what I have but what I need is boil schedule, since the grain bill is pretty much the same for all the recipes I've seen guess I will just go with it but formulate it myself
Post by bbushmaster on Mar 21, 2011 12:38:24 GMT -5
ok after some messing around and downloading beersmith I came up with grain bill 24.5 lbs mash with 9.18 gals sparge with 1.22 gals total 10.4 gals collect 6.96-7 gals 120 minute boil to 5-5.2 gals this is based on 1.5 quarts per gallon the calculators wont allow me to do 2 quarts per for some reason if i do a step mash these numbers will change a bit but heres the basic water calculations and i realise i will most likely just sparge till i reach the volume i want so more like 3 gals sparge water. does that sound about rite? I should beable to get second runnings off of that? and when should i add table sugar beginning or end of boil?
Post by njschmidt on Mar 21, 2011 15:34:00 GMT -5
You can add the sugar pretty much at any time during the boil as long as it has time to dissolve completely, but there's a thread going on over at HBT where some people say you should add it towards the end to prevent caramelization ( www.homebrewtalk.com/f36/table-sugar-time-table-233775/ ).